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2012-03-03 12:58:39 +01:00
# Massconverter from .schematic files to .bo2 files
# Usage: ruby s2b.rb
# This will convert all schematics in the sibling folder "in".
# The results will be placed in the folder "out".
# Air and magenta colored wool is ignored.
# If the file name is ending with _z4 the z will use a -4 offset
# See: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Schematic_File_Format
# https://github.com/Wickth/TerrainControll/blob/master/bo2spec.txt
# Lisence: MIT
require "nbtfile"
# Needy blocks are items like torches and doors, which require other blocks to
# be in place -- otherwise they'll simply fall to the ground as entities. We
# defer them to the end of the BOB output to ensure they're "built" last.
NEEDY_BLOCKS = [6, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 51, 55, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 83, 85, 90, 96, 104, 105, 106, 111, 115]
FILE_HEADER = ["[META]","version=2.0","[DATA]"]
# Folder names
NAME_IN = "in"
NAME_OUT = "out"
# Parse args
@options = ARGV.select { |arg| arg =~ /^\-+[a-z]+/ }
@args = ARGV - @options
# Create folders if they don't exist
Dir.mkdir(NAME_IN) if ! File::exists?(NAME_IN)
Dir.mkdir(NAME_OUT) if ! File::exists?(NAME_OUT)
# Find all the files in the in-folder
@filenames = Dir.glob(NAME_IN + "/*.*")
# Handle a file according to our rules
def handleFileName(filename)
# Declare what to use
schematic = nil
zoffset = 0
outfilename = nil
outlines = nil
# Load the schematic
open(filename, "rb") do |io|
schematic = NBTFile.load(io)[1]
# Figure out the zoffset
matches = filename.scan(/R([0-9]+)\./)
if matches.count == 1
zoffset = -(matches[0][0].to_i)
# Create the new outfilename
outfilename = filename.clone
outfilename[".schematic"] = ".bo2"
outfilename[NAME_IN+"/"] = NAME_OUT+"/"
outlines = schematicToBO2(schematic, zoffset)
open(outfilename, "w") do |io|
outlines.each { |line| io.puts(line) }
print "Converting " + filename + "\n"
# The method to convert a schematic to a list of strings (lines in a file)
def schematicToBO2(schematic, zoffset)
ret = []
# Slice blocks and block metadata by the size of the schematic's axes, then
# zip the slices up into pairs of [id, metadata] for convenient consumption.
blocks = schematic["Blocks"].bytes.each_slice(schematic["Width"]).to_a
blocks = blocks.each_slice(schematic["Length"]).to_a
data = schematic["Data"].bytes.each_slice(schematic["Width"]).to_a
data = data.each_slice(schematic["Length"]).to_a
layers = blocks.zip(data).map { |blocks, data| blocks.zip(data).map { |blocks, data| blocks.zip(data) } }
deferred = []
layers.each_with_index do |rows, z|
z += zoffset
rows.each_with_index do |columns, x|
x -= schematic["Width"] / 2 # Center the object on the X axis
columns.each_with_index do |(block, data), y|
if block == 0 || (block == 35 && (data == 2 || data == 11)) then # We ignore air and magentawool
y -= schematic["Length"] / 2 # Center the object on the Y axis
line = "#{y},#{x},#{z}:#{block}.#{data}"
if NEEDY_BLOCKS.include?(block)
deferred << line
ret << line
# Write needy blocks to the end of the BOB file, respecting the order of
# NEEDY_BLOCKS, in case some blocks are needier than others.
deferred.sort! { |a, b| NEEDY_BLOCKS.index(a) <=> NEEDY_BLOCKS.index(b) }
deferred.reverse.each { |line| ret << line }
return ret
print "== START ==\n"
# For each filename
@filenames.each do |filename|
print "== DONE =="